daily j
the fine print
Anyone taking part in A Daily J challenge does so at their own risk. The Daily J (PTY) LTD does not accept any responsibility for any individual nor group of individuals, who may be participating in a Daily J program, in person experience or challenge.
DNA Membership Cancellation Policy
Notice Period:
A minimum notice period of 1 month is required for subscription cancellations.
To initiate the cancellation process, please notify us at least 1 month before the desired cancellation date.
Cancellation Process:
To cancel your subscription, send an email to subscriptionsdailyj@gmail.com with the subject line “Subscription Cancellation Request.”
Include your full name and the desired cancellation date in the email body – please note desired cancellation date can only be 1 month from date of notice.
Effective Cancellation Date:
Your subscription will be effectively cancelled one month from the date of your cancellation request.
Once your cancellation request is processed, you will receive a confirmation email with the effective cancellation date and any relevant details.
Detailed description of goods and/or services
Daily J is a business in the behaviour change / health and wellness industry.
Delivery policy
Subject to availability and receipt of payment, requests will be processed within on the same day by use of the order number. The 21-Day Challenge Program is downloadable upon sign up.
Return and Refunds policy
Since Daily J offers non-tangible, irrevocable products, we do not provide refunds after the product is purchased, which you acknowledge prior to purchasing any product on the Website. Please make sure that you’ve carefully read the product description before making a purchase.
Customer Privacy policy
Daily J shall take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information of users. For the purpose of this clause, “personal information” shall be defined as detailed in the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (PAIA). The PAIA may be downloaded from: http://www.lawsofsouthafrica.up.ac.za/index.php/current-legislatio.n
Payment options accepted
Payment may be made via Visa, MasterCard, Diners or American Express Cards or by bank transfer into the Daily J bank account, the details of which will be provided on request.
Card acquiring and security
Card transactions will be acquired for Daily J via PayGate (Pty) Ltd who are the approved payment gateway for all South African Acquiring Banks. DPO PayGate uses the strictest form of encryption, namely Secure Socket Layer 3 (SSL3) and no Card details are stored on the website. Users may go to www.paygate.co.za to view their security certificate and security policy.
Customer details separate from card details
Customer details will be stored by Daily J separately from card details which are entered by the client on DPO PayGate’s secure site. For more detail on DPO PayGate refer to www.paygate.co.za.
Merchant Outlet country and transaction currency
The merchant outlet country at the time of presenting payment options to the cardholder is South Africa. Transaction currency is South African Rand (ZAR).
Daily J takes responsibility for all aspects relating to the transaction including sale of goods and services sold on this website, customer service and support, dispute resolution and delivery of goods.
Country of domicile
This website is governed by the laws of South Africa.
Daily J may, in its sole discretion, change this agreement or any part thereof at any time without notice.
Company information
This website is run by Daily J based in South Africa trading as Daily J (Pty) Ltd and with registration number 2023/642268/07.
Contact details
Email: johnodailyj@gmail.com
Phone: +27 60 962 8499
leave a message
“Their authenticity and non-judgemental approach is so refreshing. And the convenience of being able to work out from the comfort of my home any time I choose, fits my daily demands perfectly. And of course Adrian’s delicious recipes that make eating healthy so easy. The amazing community keeps me motivated and pushes me even on days when I don’t feel like it – sometimes FOMO and other times it’s their energy that inspires me to take the teaspoon of cement and get off the couch. My body has changed, my wardrobe is changing, and I am thankful to this crazy bunch! I am nowhere near perfect, but I am happy being ME! Thank you!”
“I joined Daily J in Feb, having missed hearing Johno and Juls blasting in my living room! Gosh, it’s good to have them back! I’ve since joined Liz’s Self-Care Club as well. Daily J is the reason I jump out of bed every morning, excited to get my session in. I have not seen results like this since my 20’s. I feel fitter, healthier and stronger than I have in years. It’s a process, but it’s a solid format and structure that just works! Combining good nutrition with excellent exercise sessions, we slowly build a good sustainable lifestyle change. I love being on the Self-Care Club, where I get a bit more individual attention plus get to be part of an incredible group of likeminded individuals. Liz Mocke and the Daily J Crew are simply the best!”